We are OPEN for both indoor and outdoor tastings in addition retail wine sales and order pick-ups.

Orders can be placed through our online store, by email, or by phone.

We are a family and dog friendly facility!

Contact Us


Open Daily: 11am – 5pm


SAMsARA tasting room is only 40 minutes from Santa Barbara (highway 154) and 2 1/2 hours from Los Angeles.

⇨ Where to eat in/near Los Olivos
⇨ Where to sleep in/near Los Olivos
⇨ Things to do in/near Los Olivos


$30 for 5 current-release wines. Complimentary for SAMsARA Club Members.

*Tasting fee waived with 3 bottle purchase

Make your reservation above, call, or stop by for table availability.

For parties of 7+ email info@samsarawine.com or call (805) 688-8689 to reserve your spot!

About Los Olivos

Just 29 miles from Santa Barbara and 116 miles from Los Angeles, the small, Central Coast town of Los Olivos is home to 50+ wine tast­ing rooms rep­re­sent­ing winer­ies and vine­yards from all over San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty, many art galleries, charming boutiques, critically acclaimed restaurants, beer tasting, and more. The town’s name was inspired by a nearby ranch planted to five thousand olive trees, first named El Olivar, then El Olivos, and finally Los Olivos.  It it were re-named today, it might be called Las Salas de Cata de Vinos (The Wine Tasting Rooms)

With dry summers and little to no rain falling from June through September and mild winters with the majority of rain falling from December through March, Los Olivos is the perfect place for wine tasting, enjoyment of outdoor seating, and relaxed dining any time of year.

Our location, just one short block east of the town center, is the perfect place to launch your visit to Los Olivos.  With ample street parking surrounding our tasting room, many visitors use our corner as their base of operations for the day.  Join us for a tasting to kick things off and our expert staff will gladly offer recommendations for other tasting rooms to visit based on the wines you enjoyed most.  Need a lunch or dinner recommendation?  Our staff can help with that too!  Savvy visitors agree, following the crowd is not the way to discover the real jewels of Los Olivos.  Spend some time with us, pick our brains, and we’ll set you on your way, sure to make the most of your day!